How to handle your allergies year-round

Posted by Blooms The Chemist on 31 Jan 2023

How to handle your allergies year-round

With around one in three Australiansexperiencing allergies at some point in their lives, it’s more important than ever to know how you can treat them when they flare up.

We’ve found three things you should keep in mind when your allergies start.

Get the right medication

There’s a range of medications available for allergy relief, but we’re going to focus on the two most common types, which are antihistamines and decongestants.

Antihistamines can either be prescribed to you or given over the counter to you at your local Pharmacist and are medicines that block the body’s response to histamine, which your body makes during a reaction.

As antihistamines block your body’s response to the chemical, it can reduce the severity of the allergic reaction1.

However, there are some side effects with antihistamines which include an upset stomach, tiredness and drowsiness.

You can also use decongestants to treat your swollen nasal passages and the congestion in your nose, either in pill or nasal spray form2.

Although, it’s important to note, if you use nasal sprays too much, they can make it harder to treat your allergy symptoms.

Decongestants can also have side effects like an increase in heart rate or your blood pressure as well as sleeplessness and nervousness2.

Limit your exposure to allergens

This might sound like a simple one, but it’s easy to forget, especially if it’s been a while since you’ve had an allergic reaction to something.

Knowing the severity of your allergy helps as well, as some people with a pollen allergy may be fine enjoying a picnic in the park, whereas others will avoid it entirely, keeping the windows in their house and car to stop any pollen getting inside3.

Monitoring your exposure to allergens is one of the most important ways to avoid a reaction.

Be prepared

If you’re allergic to pollen, dust, pet dander or mould, it’s best to be prepared as soon as you leave your home.

Keeping allergy spray or tablets on your person can mean that you’re prepared whenever there’s a flare up, no matter where you are.

Nasonex Allergy Nasal Spray4 provides powerful, long-lasting relief from hayfever and allergy symptoms like nasal congestion, sneezing, runny and itchy nose and itchy and watery eyes.

If you’re having trouble deciding which type of medicine is best for managing the symptoms of your allergies, visit your local Blooms The Chemist and our friendly Pharmacists behind the counter are happy to help.

Disclaimers and references

Always read the label and follow the directions for use.

1Healthdirect, Antihistamines, accessed 31 January 2023

2Healthline, Decongestants to Treat Allergy Symptoms, accessed 31 January 2023

3BetterHealth Victoria, Pollen Allergies, accessed 31 January 2023

4Department of Health and Aged Care Therapeutic Goods Administration, Nasonex Allergy, accessed 31 January 2023