3 ways you can stay happy and healthy this Christmas

Posted by Blooms The Chemist on 6 Dec 2023

3 ways you can stay happy and healthy this Christmas

It’s that time of year for socialising and celebrating. But hectic schedules and additional pressure to have the ‘perfect’ Christmas can lead to stress and a change in routine.

We overindulge in rich food, we might have one too many celebratory champagnes, and sacrifice sleep to ensure the presents are wrapped, the turkey’s cooked and we’ve ticked off everything on our to-do list.

If you need support to survive Christmas, read on for three ways to prioritise your health and wellbeing while still savouring the delights of the season.

1. Manage your stress levels

Stress, anxiety, and depression are very common during the festive season, so going into the end of the year with some relaxation techniques and clear expectations of what can (and can’t) control can help reduce your feelings of stress.

Things you can try:

  • Setting realistic expectations for your family and yourself: you can’t do it all, and if we’re lucky, this time of year is about connecting and spending time with loved ones, not trying to create the ‘perfect’ Christmas
  • Avoid discussing topics you know may trigger arguments or uncomfortable feelings (like religion or politics)
  • Set aside regular time to decompress and process your emotions and feelings.

2. Practise mindful eating

It can be too easy to get caught up in celebrating with your friends and family, especially when you haven’t seen them for a while.

  • If you’re worried about overindulging, try being more mindful when you eat:
  • Choose mindful portions and fill up on protein and veggies first
  • Chew your food slowly and really try to savour the flavours and textures
  • Put down your knife and fork when you’re chewing
  • Listen to your body and stop eating when you feel satisfied
  • Slow down and try to enjoy the experience of being with loved ones, rather than eating too quickly

3. Stay as active as you can

If you’ve got time off over the Christmas and New Year period, it may be tempting to not stick to your regular exercise routine.

However, this may do you more harm than good in the long run, as keeping your regular routine can give you the stamina and fitness to keep up with the social demands of the festive season.

Low impact movements like walking or swimming are great options to help aid digestion. Changes to your schedule may also result in sleep disruption, and staying active can help expend energy and prepare your body for rest.

For products to help you stay healthy and make the most of Christmas this year, explore our range of Christmas Survival products.