
Acne Treatments

If you're dealing with acne, we offer a wide range of acne treatment products that can help you achieve the clear skin you're after.

Explore our products below and take the first step towards achieving flawless, radiant skin today.  

Acne Treatments FAQS  

What age is acne the worst?  
This question has no specific answer, as everyone's skin health differs. However, acne usually starts during puberty, between the ages of 10 and 13. Acne is also worse in people with oily skin.  

What treatment is best for acne?  
This depends on your skin type, the severity of the acne and whether your body responds well to skincare.  
You might find that your skin and acne respond well to gentle, soap-free face washes available at the chemist.   


Other people might find that they need treatments that need a prescription, including antibiotics that reduce the infection and inflammation in pimples or retinoids that can help remove whiteheads and blackheads.  

If you're having trouble finding the proper treatment for your acne, please get in touch with your doctor or Pharmacist for more information.  

What are the different types of acne?  

There are a few different types of acne which are:  

Whiteheads, which are small white spots under the surface of your skin  
Blackheads, which are small and blocked pores with a 'plug'  
Pimples, which are inflamed, red spots with yellow pus in the middle  
Nodules, which are large red bumps under your skin that can be painful  

Note that occasional spots or pimples aren't considered acne, as acne is where a range of acne affects large areas of the face and body.  
It's more common in women than men.  

What gets rid of acne quickly?   
You can get rid of pimples quickly by applying ice to the pimple, as it can calm them down. It's also recommended not to pick at the pimple, as this leaves an open wound on your face that can be vulnerable to bacteria.  

As treating acne takes time, which can often be one to two months, it's recommended that you stick to the treatment that works for you. Some pharmacists recommend gentle, soap-free face washes, and if that doesn't work, you can speak to your Pharmacist or doctor about another treatment that might work for you.  

I'm an adult; why do I still get acne?  
There are a range of reasons as to why you'll get acne. Four direct factors contribute to acne: excess oil production, pores becoming clogged by 'sticky' skin cells, bacteria and inflammation.   

Some indirect factors that may influence your skin health include hormones, stress, diet, hair products, skincare products, and more.  
Hormones and stress can influence oil production, whereas your diet can affect inflammation.  

While acne most commonly affects people between 15 and 24, some don't grow out of acne and will need ongoing management.  

What are some skincare basics for reducing acne?  
Some skincare basics for reducing acne include using sun protection to protect your skin whenever you're in the sun, washing your face twice a day with a mild soap-free wash, warm water and a soft skin cloth and removing your makeup before bed.