
Blood Pressure Evaluation

Learn more about your blood pressure and how it impacts your health.


Blood Pressure Evaluation

Learn more about your blood pressure and how it impacts your health.


Blood Pressure Evaluation

Learn more about your blood pressure and how it impacts your health.


Blood pressure is the pressure of blood against the walls of the arteries as your heart pumps blood throughout your body.

Your blood pressure varies throughout the day depending on your activities, and is measured in mmhg (short for millimetres of mercury).


High blood pressure (Hypertension) indicates a persistently higher than normal blood pressure. It's one of the main risk factors for heart disease and if left uncontrolled can lead to a heart attack, stroke or kidney disease.


You should be checking your blood pressure regularly, as high blood pressure has virtually no symptoms.


Blood pressure is measured with our friendly Pharmacist standing by, and this check should take around 5 minutes to complete.


Recent data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare suggests that an estimated 34% of Australian adults have high blood pressure (hypertension).


What is a Blood Pressure Evaluation?


A Blood Pressure Evaluation is taken by our Pharmacist while you are relaxed and sitting down.


An adjustable cuff will be fitted around your upper arm (roughly at heart level), and the cuff will inflate.


Once the cuff is inflated, the blood flow will stop flowing through the artery walls.


As the cuff deflates, blood begins to flow again, and the machine measures the vibration in the arterial wall (systolic pressure).


Diastolic pressure is measured when the blood flow is continuous and no longer creating a vibration against the arterial wall.


Your Pharmacist will also ask you some questions relating to your lifestyle and blood pressure history.


Your Blood Pressure Evaluation should take around 5 minutes.


Why do I need a Blood Pressure Evaluation?


As you can have high blood pressure without experiencing any symptoms, it's important to monitor your blood pressure every two years just to see if it is still in the healthy blood pressure range.


Having high blood pressure is also one of the main risk factors for heart disease, including a heart attack or a stroke.


Consistently monitoring your blood pressure can help you stay informed about your risks of heart disease.


How much does a Blood Pressure Evaluation cost?


A Blood Pressure Evaluation is free. To make a booking, please click the button below.

Blood Pressure FAQS

Are high blood pressure and hypertension the same thing?

Yes, they are. High blood pressure is also known as hypertension, because it means that your blood pressure is higher than normal.

What types of blood pressure are there?

There are two types of blood pressure that are measured.


Systolic blood pressure refers to the pressure inside your arteries when your heart pumps blood through your body.


Diastolic blood pressure is the pressure inside your arteries when your heart is resting between beats1.


1HealthDirect, How To Lower Blood Pressure, accessed 19 January 2023

How is blood pressure measured?

Blood pressure is measured when you're relaxed and sitting. It's measured with an inflatable pressure cuff that's wrapped around your upper arm.


As your blood pressure changes to meet the needs of your body, you may get different readings depending on whether you're calm or stressed.

If your blood pressure is high, your doctor may recommend taking your blood pressure again on a separate occasion when you are able to calm down.


If the doctor is unable to get a result they are happy with, it may be recommended that you have your blood pressure recorded at home with a 24 ambulatory blood pressure monitoring device.


This device will measure your blood pressure at regular intervals (roughly every 20 or 30 minutes), while you do your regular activities.


You can also buy a blood pressure monitor at Blooms The Chemist.

Can I measure my blood pressure at home?

If your blood pressure is high, it may be recommended to monitor it at home.


There are many devices that measure blood pressure, but it's always good to check with your healthcare professional or Pharmacist to make sure the device you purchase is accurate.

How is high blood pressure (hypertension) diagnosed?

You can be diagnosed with high blood pressure if your systolic blood pressure readings (top number) are higher than 140 mm hg and your diastolic blood pressure readings are higher than 90 mm hg.


Blood pressure readings are written like so: 120/89.


An optimal reading is less than 120 mm hg for your systolic blood pressure and less than 80 for your diastolic blood pressure reading1.


1BetterHealth, Blood Pressure, accessed 19 January 2023.

What are the risk factors associated with high blood pressure?

There are two types of risk factors that can increase your risk of being diagnosed with high blood pressure, which are modifiable risk factors and non-modifiable risk factors1.


Modifiable risk factors are things you can change and include:

  • The amount you smoke
  • Your physical activity
  • Whether you're overweight or obese


Some health conditions can also increase your modifiable risk factor, including high cholesterol, depression, anxiety, social anxiety and Type 2 diabetes.


Non-modifiable risk factors are things you can't change, such as:

  • Whether you were born male or female (your gender)
  • Whether you're Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander


These risk factors mean that you're at higher risk of getting diagnosed with high blood pressure.


1Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Risk Factors To Health: High Blood Pressure, accessed 27 January 2023

What causes high blood pressure (hypertension)?

Unfortunately, there is no one specific cause of high blood pressure (hypertension). However, there are some things to keep in mind that can increase the risk of developing high blood pressure, including1:

  • Your family history
  • Your eating habits and diet (including whether or not you eat salty food or drink sugary drinks)
  • Your alcohol intake
  • Your weight
  • How healthy you are, including whether or not you smoke and your physical activity levels


High blood pressure can put more pressure on the artery walls if you also:

  • Smoke cigarettes
  • Have a diet that has high levels of saturated fat
  • Diabetes2


1BetterHealth, Blood Pressure, accessed 19 January 2023.

2Heart Foundation, Blood Pressure And Your Heart, accessed 19 January 2023

What are the symptoms of high blood pressure?

High blood pressure (hypertension) usually does not have any symptoms. Many people can have high blood pressure and feel perfectly fine, which is why it's important to get your blood pressure checked regularly.


However, some people with high blood pressure may experience some symptoms, such as headaches, dizziness, or a sudden effect on your artery walls, including chest pain or a stroke.


If left unchecked, your high blood pressure levels (hypertension) can contribute to a range of health problems, including:

  • Kidney disease
  • Damage to your heart, including heart disease, cardiovascular disease, coronary artery disease or heart failure
  • Damage to the artery walls, including damaged and narrow arteries or an aneurysm1


1Mayo Clinic, High blood pressure dangers: Hypertension's effects on your body, accessed 19 January 2023

What if my blood pressure is low?

Low blood pressure readings are also something to keep an eye on, as you ideally want to be in the optimal range of 120 mm hg over 80 mm hg.


Low blood pressure is known as hypotension, and depending on your health, it can be a good or bad sign.


Some symptoms of low blood pressure include:

  • Light-headedness
  • Weakness
  • Blurry vision


People who are at increased risk of low blood pressure are elderly people who may have underlying illnesses or may be at risk of a fall1.


1HealthDirect, Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension), accessed 19 January 2023

What is a normal or healthy blood pressure reading?

Your doctor or our Pharmacist can tell you what your ideal blood pressure readings should be based on your medical history.


However, a healthy blood pressure reading would be:

  • Systolic blood pressure numbers under 120 mm hg.
  • Diastolic blood pressure numbers under 80 mm hg1.


1Heart Foundation, Blood Pressure And Your Heart, accessed 19 January 2023

How can I treat high blood pressure?

You can reduce your risk of high blood pressure (hypertension) by1:

  • Making lifestyle changes, such as looking after your heart and arteries by doing physical activity
  • Reduce the amount of salt in your diet, as salt contains sodium, which is linked to high blood pressure
  • Reduce the amount of alcohol you're drinking, as drinking more than one standard drink for women and 2 for men increases the risk of developing high blood pressure
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Stop smoking cigarettes to reduce your risk of heart disease
  • Follow a healthy diet


1HealthDirect, How To Lower Blood Pressure, accessed 19 January 2023

Are there medications I can take for high blood pressure?

Although you may have been making all the right lifestyle changes, sometimes medications can help you maintain your healthy blood pressure and reduce your risk of a heart attack or cardiovascular disease.


Some blood pressure medications that people with high blood pressure take include1:

  • ACE inhibitors
  • Angiotensin-receptor blockers
  • Beta blockers
  • Diuretics
  • Calcium channel blockers


Your doctor will choose the most appropriate blood pressure medications for you based on your blood pressure numbers, your overall risk of heart and blood vessel disease, as well as any other medications you take or other medical conditions you have.


Your doctor may start you on a low dosage of one medicine and review your progress. If you experience any side effects while on your new medicine, tell your doctor as soon as possible.


1HealthDirect, How To Lower Blood Pressure, accessed 19 January 2023

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