You Need To Know This: Blood Pressure, The Highs & The Lows

Posted by Blooms The Chemist on 8 Nov 2019

You Need To Know This: Blood Pressure, The Highs & The Lows

You want to feel your very best this summer – so let’s nip that blood pressure check in the bud so you can dance your way into the new year!

Blood pressure is the pressure of blood against the walls of your arteries. When the pressure builds, it won’t always show symptoms. Recent data shows 32% of Australian men and 27% of women suffer from high blood pressure, even when they’re in good health.

High blood pressure can be indicative of further health concerns but a quick, painless and easy blood pressure check at your local Blooms The Chemist will give you peace of mind.

Your friendly pharmacist will place an adjustable cuff around the top of your arm. This will inflate to temporarily stop the blood flow through the artery. As the cuff slowly deflates, it will allow the blood to resume its flow through the artery. It will measure the vibrations against the artery wall – your blood pressure.

Your pharmacist will also ask some questions about your lifestyle. This will help them gauge your potential risk and give you the go ahead for a healthy, happy New Year!

For additional peace of mind, here are some tips for how to keep your blood pressure down:

– Reduce your caffeine and alcohol intake

– Maintain regular physical activity

– Quit smoking

– Limit your intake of saturated fats and salt

– Maintain a healthy weight

By Rebecca O’Malley