
Some of our favourite
Mother's Day competition responses

We want to thank everyone for their thoughtful and kind responses about their favourite bit of wisdom from their loved ones.


We picked some of our favourites below.


"Always be positive, stay calm, and respect people and their decisions, even when you may have a different view at the time. Eat well and maintain your health and wellbeing."


— Damian


"In a world where you can choose to be anything, choose to be kind."


— Melissa


"My late mum's wisdom in BLOOMS acronym: Believe in yourself, Listen to intuition, Open heart to love, Overcome challenges, Make time for self, Stay true to values."


— Maryann


"Always smile and say hello to people who are doing it hard. It costs you nothing but it will hopefully make their day better!"


— Enza


"Follow your dreams, believe in yourself and respect others. Life is a brief moment, and we should live a legacy of blessings wherever we go."


— Elizangela


"Look for the positives in life, be thankful for what you have, treat others with kindness, show respect and be true and honest."


— Debra


"Always give to those less fortunate than yourself, you can always spare something."


— Veronica


"Chase your dreams and never fear the climb, for the journey is yours, and life is in your prime. Stay humble and kind, and take your time."


— Laura


"Live, laugh and love. Just take each day as it comes, every day is a gift."


— Amy


"Always smile at people. You never know what someone is going through, your smile might just make a difference to them."


— Sofia